lauantai 19. heinäkuuta 2008

A quick update

I'm still avoiding writing a post that has been on my mind since I started this blog, so here's a quick update:
It is the best time of summer for cycling, the sun is up almost through the night. You go into a nightclub and feel a shock when you come out to the light.
Wherever you are you see at least 3 people on a bike, and the carriages for kids are becoming a regular feature of the street. I have to give kudos to my friends who cycled from their apartment to the center and back with their 10 month old son yesterday, 18 kilometers in total. This is how people in Oulu roll.
Now we're going to go party with a friend , naturally by bike. It takes us maybe 7 minutes to get to the centre from where we live, a bit over 1 km away. Cu at the bar!